OLNEY, TX — Air Tractor aircraft parts manuals are now being updated every six
months—each January and July. The manuals, available online as Acrobat PDF files,
can be accessed in the Owner Portal of airtractor.com, reports Jeff Dobbs, Air Tractor’s
Customer Service Manager.
“We’re always looking for ways to improve our customer’s experience with his aircraft,”
says Dobbs. “Compared to previous years of hand-drawn illustrations and printed
manuals, we’re now able to respond much quicker to aircraft changes and manual
revisions. This improves accuracy and clarity when the customer orders parts or
performs maintenance. We want to encourage all Air Tractor owners to download and
reference the latest parts manuals for their aircraft.”
Air Tractor owners, pilots and mechanics can register for access to the Air Tractor
Owner Portal at this URL: https://airtractor.com/register/ From the Portal dashboard,
there is access to a wealth of Air Tractor aircraft information, including Service Letters,
Owners Manuals, Pilot Training Manuals and a variety of reference documents.
Printed copies of Parts Manuals, also updated biannually, can be obtained by contacting
an Air Tractor dealer.