Home-Press ReleasesWA Commissioner Franz poses with Fire Boss

WA Commissioner Franz poses with Fire Boss

DNR has responded to 470 wildfires so far in 2018

OLYMPIA – With the arrival of summer temperatures and the Fourth of July holiday, the Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR) is urging people to be cautious of rising fire danger. Those celebrating should be especially careful with fireworks and check local restrictions on fireworks and campfires.

“By all means – get out and celebrate our nation and the freedoms we all enjoy this 4th of July. But please, please, please be careful,” said Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz. “Seventy-five percent of all wildfires are human caused in Washington and I know we can do better.”

The 2017 wildfire season burned 404,223 acres and cost Washington taxpayers more than $134 million. Those who start wildfires can be held responsible for suppression costs.

Danger increasing

So far this year, DNR firefighters have responded to 470 wildfires, including the fires that prompted evacuations outside of Yakima this past weekend.

DNR records show wildfires occur more on weekend and holiday afternoons, when more people visit DNR-protected lands. Unattended campfires, illegal fireworks, faulty vehicle or motorcycle mufflers, careless disposal of cigarettes, and dragging tow chains behind vehicles also increase the risk of wildfire during the long holiday weekend.

Fireworks and incendiary devices, such as exploding targets, sky lanterns, or tracer ammunition, are banned on all DNR-protected forestlands.

To avoid accidental wildfires, practice these prevention tips:

Camping and recreating

  • Only build campfires where authorized and when not under any burn restrictions; put them completely out before leaving camp, even for a few minutes; use plenty of water and stir until the coals are cold to the touch.
  • Dispose of lit smoking materials appropriately.
  • Fireworks, incendiary ammunition and exploding targets start fires and are illegal to use or discharge on public lands, including all state forests.

Vehicles and Towing

  • Be sure chains and other metal parts aren’t dragging from your vehicle or trailer. They can throw sparks and start fires.
  • Make sure all off-road vehicles have a properly functioning and approved spark arrester.
  • Be careful driving through or parking on dry grass or brush. Hot exhaust pipes can start the grass on fire. You may not even notice the fire until it’s too late.
  • Check tire pressure and condition. Driving on an exposed wheel rim can cause sparks.
  • Have brakes serviced regularly to prevent brake pads wearing too thin; metal on metal can spark or drop pieces of hot brake pad.

Firewise Preparedness

For those who decide to stay home and avoid the crowds over the three-day weekend, now is a good time to prepare for wildfire. For tips to help homes better survive wildfire, go to www.firewise.org.

Stay connected during wildfire season

Anyone who spots a wildfire should call 911 as soon as possible to report it.

DNR leadership and wildfire mission

Administered by Commissioner of Public Lands Hilary Franz, DNR is responsible for preventing and fighting wildfires on 13 million acres of private, state and tribal-owned forestlands. DNR is the state’s largest wildland fire department, with more than 1,000 employees trained and available to be dispatched to fires as needed. During fire season, this includes more than 800 DNR employees who have other permanent jobs with the agency and about 550 seasonal employees hired for firefighting duties.




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