Harold Kosola Obituary
Harold A. Kosola, 88, passed away peacefully on October 11, 2024, in Columbus, Georgia, with his family by his side. Visitation for family and friends

The Corn Walk Before You Run
I have attributed a large portion of my success selling Chem-Man to the many years I used Chem-Man managing a spraying business in Arkansas. It

Insurable Interest – Reminders
As the 2024 ag season comes to a close, many operators across the country found continued prosperity, while others were hampered by Mother Nature and
Farmers Are Aging, is it Really a Problem?
It’s no secret that the average age of farmers is on the rise and has been for a long time, but is this something we

SINDAG Holds Record Breaking Convention in Brazil
SINDAG, the Brazilian Agricultural Aviation Association, held its annual convention at the Santo Antônio do Leverger Airport (SWLV) in Mato Grosso from August 20 to
A Great Experience with Great People, More to Come!
I am writing this editorial reflecting on my wonderful trip to Brazil in August to do some much needed fishing and attend the SINDAG conference.