Disappointed Tiny residents will try to make the best of the situation when it comes to handling next year's gypsy moth infestation.
Those were the sentiments of Lynne Archibald, secretary of Federation of Tiny Township Shoreline Associations (FoTTSA), as she talked to MidlandToday about council’s decision to not go with aerial spraying as a remedy for the situation.
The FoTTSA member had brought to council the results of a township-wide survey conducted around how residents were feeling about tree defoliation due to the gypsy moth.
During her presentation, Archibald asked council consider an aerial spray program to help out its residents.
But at a recent meeting, council heard staff’s case against the remedy.
“We have 85,000 acres of real estate and we're hearing prices of $500 per acre for spraying,” said Tim Leitch, director of public works/interim chief administrative officer. “If we look at township-wide spraying, we're looking at $40 million, and 10% of the land could be up to $4 million to spray.”
The price tag didn’t intimidate Archibald at all.
Read more on this story at Orilla Matters.