Turbine Conversions, Ltd announce the approval of FAA STC SA04485CH. The STC is for the installation of a submerged boost fuel pump and Turbine Conversions' header tank extension assembly to resolve issues with failing fuel control units that Thrush GE H80 aircraft owners have been experiencing.
When asked how this project came about, Turbine Conversions, Ltd President Bill Hatfield responded, "Our good friend and colleague Frank Ousley owner of Frank's Flying Service in Illinois bought one of the first new Thrush GE H80s and was having all kinds of nightmares with the aircraft. He already had over a dozen failed fuel pumps, he wasn't getting the support he needed from either Thrush (this was prior to the new ownership) or GE because they couldn't agree who was responsible but it definitely wasn't being covered under any warranties. Unfortunately, Frank was not alone, several other H80 owners were experiencing similar issues. So I told him I would work on a fix for him."
Bill and Larry Hatcher, TCL's engineer, worked together to develop a solution. The solution is a modification to the header tank TCL calls the "Top Hat". The first Top Hat was installed on Frank Ousley's Thrush GE H80 with a field approval. When Frank was recently asked how his aircraft was doing since the installation he replied, "It has been absolutely foolproof. The selling point is - no downtime and peace of mind." The full STC was applied for in December of 2019 and the final approval was granted by the in October 2020.
Bill Hatfield shares, "This is a very affordable modification that quickly pays for itself. The modification costs less than half of the expense of just 1 fuel control unit replacement. An added benefit is it also increases your time of replacement of auxiliary fuel pumps from 500 hours (factory recommended) to TCL STC's 3500 hours."
The Top Hat/Header Tank Extension is a simple process, Thrush H80 owners send a header tank to TCL's facility in Michigan, TCL makes the STC modifications in house and TCL sends the completed Top Hat Tank back to the customer for installation. "This is a very quick turnaround modification, and we are currently taking reservations for 6 open slots. The arrangements can be made directly with TCL or with your favorite Thrush dealer and is available worldwide," says Ann Hatfield - Grahek Sales Director. For more information contact Ann Hatfield-Grahek at 616-837-9428 or ann@turbineconverstions.com