Mike Thompson was elected 2021 TAAA President at the annual membership meeting held earlier this month. Mike has served on the TAAA board for nearly a decade. Mike is also well known for his roles with Crop Dusters United and his daily devotions that are widely followed. Set forth below are Mike's thoughts about the coming year.
Welcome! We are heading into a pretty dark territory, with conspiracies, disease, businesses shut down, people quarantined, with loss of revenue and loved ones. Pretty dismal days ahead.
Thompson grew up in the ag industry along with cousins, brothers, and uncles. His late father, Leonard Thompson, owner of Thompson Flyers of Garwood was a huge influence on his career and faith.
Starting as a sack toter back in '69, grabbing sacks of fertilizer as they were cut and dumped in the socks, to eventually getting into an Ag Cat on June 7, 1980.
"Fast tracking forward, I was asked to go to a TAAA board meeting back in about 2011, and asked if I would consider joining the board. I wasn't even a member, but dues were paid and I accepted under the deal that I'd never be in the spotlight. Things change, as I said earlier. I accepted the spot on the board and figured I'd see where this was headed. In 2012, I was asked to join Crop Dusters United, a private organization on Facebook with over 2100 crop dusters worldwide. I was also asked to give a worship service in Gaston, AK that year to over 300 members, which I did, and am now one of the administrators of CDU."
"My son Cody, was in a fatal crash on May 11, 2019, and our world would have been turned over if it hadn't been for the Faith and support of so many in this industry. Immediately, Matt Fitch showed up to help run the business, Perry Lowry flew in with a 802, and their first comments were "we are here for as long as you need us!" I got back in the plane I'd been flying, an 802 also, a week later, because I knew that's where I was the most comfortable, in the air away from people and phones. Me, the good Lord, and I felt that my son was with me as well. I bought my second 802 from Lane Aviation a month later, because I knew Mr. Lowry would need to return home. ANF Currently operates two AT802, and an AT402. I have given up logging hours, but it's well over 20,000. Again, going back to Things Happen! We got a letter from Workers Comp, Cody's spouse wasn't going to be covered. Folks, a woman, alone with three little girls, NOT HAPPENING! I mentioned this to the TAAA board, and Chris Shields made some calls and got us in touch with an attorney who would take the case. Shelley was awarded the benefits due to the swift actions of the TAAA's own, Chris Shields. As I keep saying THINGS HAPPEN!"
"Folks, I don't know what the year holds, but I GUARANTEE you the one who does, and that's the Lord. I'm proud to serve you this year, praying it's a good one. One filled with safety, camaraderie, Faith especially, and is also one which all of our needs are met."
God Will Bless each of you if you'll but ask,
Your President, Michael L Thompson!