Hands On Flying


After I landed, I rolled up to the loader truck and spun the airplane around, watching the wing tip clearance as I did so. I set the brakes, flipped on the hopper light and leaned back to watch the milky substance gurgle into the airplane. A thought occurred to me,...

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Rock Ding!

As I began rolling down the runway, a little pop of dust materialized in the prop arch. Less than a blink of an eye, it was there and gone. It was an unmistakable thing. A quick signature, signing off a rock ding in the prop. Ding! Crap! I hate getting...

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A long hot summer

It’s been a long hot summer. Hot. Just plain old hot! Density altitude has been stratospheric in most places of the country.  Runways shrink during the day, power slacks off and things just become drudgery after a while. To my knowledge, everyone adapted well to the struggle and kept it...

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Greeting the dawn

Dawn seeped into the valley. The new day arrived from the other side of the Sierras heralded by the silent beauty of sunrise over the mountains; magnificent array of color and promise, a brand new canvas with only the background colored in. All else left to us to fill however...

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United we stand

There is an agenda driven sector who know nothing of ag flying, are directly opposed and even hostile to aerial application. Agricultural aviation isn’t only how we make our living. It’s much bigger than that. It’s how we live. Left to their own accord, our opponents would regulate and tax...

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We humans are creatures of habit. We like things to follow a specific pattern and current. Repetitious days where everything fits, as long it doesn’t become monotonous. We like things to change up just a little, but not much. Only enough to keep us interested without causing inconvenience. Ag pilots...

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Whiling away

Winter has moved in. The old boy has pretty much taken over, scattered himself all over the place, stretched out and put his feet up. The midwest is trudging along under blizzard conditions and the west is slopping through mud. I’ll take all the mud they have to offer. Out...

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The Twelfth Month

December is when the land sleeps. The skies are clear, crisp and appear to go all the way to heaven. My memories take me back to a snow piled corn stubble field, hot coffee from an old thermos and a pocket full of mom’s Christmas cookies. A game pouch full...

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Cleaning the Windshield

Autumn is moving in. The last tomato is in the can and cotton is being combed from the fields. There’s lots of dust and plenty of bugs swirling around. Our windshields need constant cleaning in order to have a clear view of what’s ahead of us. It’s like a breath...

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