
Insect Pests are World Travelers

by Harry E. Williams Assistant Entomologist University of Tennessee Extension Circa January 1971 Insects are first-class travelers, and many of them are ‘’one way tourists.” These small creatures are among the most successful immigrants in the world. How many of us could travel alone to a strange country without bags...

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Stronger Than Ever

AgAir Update sits down with Thrush Aircraft’s President Mark McDonald on what’s the latest news since the ownership change of the company. How long have you had the reins of Thrush Aircraft? We acquired the assets of Thrush in early November, 2019, so just over a year and a half....

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Schiff Evaluates PL-12U Airtruk

by Captain Barry Schiff (Circa 2012) Submitted by Mike Feeney Captain Barry Schiff There was nothing unusual about my approach to Nyngan Airport in Australia’s Outback. But my airplane looked so unusual that the local press came to investigate the curious craft that had slipped from the sky to...

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