United States

CD Aviation Services Earns AMT Employer Recognition AWARD from NATA for the Second Consecutive Year.

The National Air Transportation Association (NATA) announced the recipients of the 2016 Aviation Maintenance Technicians (AMT) Employer Recognition Awards. CD Aviation Services, a leading provider in small turbine engine maintenance, service and support, announced they have received the 2016 AMT Employer Recognition award from the National Air Transpiration Association for...

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Correcting the Wrong Idea

Pilots sometimes get the wrong idea when it comes to medication use. One of the most frequent questions we get at the Office of Aerospace Medicine is; Why don’t you have a list of approved and disqualifying medications? There are actually a few reasons why such a list is problematic...

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The season

I rolled out of the rack at the crack of noon, opened the curtains to allow the glare of an unsympathetic sun singe my bleary eyes. My morning routine normally occurs in the afternoon this time of year. It’s never pleasant. I miss those bright, bushy tailed days of a...

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Where is the airplane?

I was driving down the highway one day when I came upon a large truck. On the back of the truck was a bumper sticker that read: "This truck is overloaded with federal regulations. Don't like trucks? Stop eating, problem solved!" Many automobile drivers don't like sharing the road with...

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