AgraSyst Inc. is a new company to this region. Its focus is discovery and development of new adjuvant technologies that are more efficacious, more cost effective and more convenient than traditional herbicide adjuvants.
AgraSyst pioneered the new AMS replacement adjuvants that allowed growers to use 1 to 2 qts per 100 gallons of spray solution to replace 17 lbs of AMS and 2 qts of traditional Non Ionic Surfactants (NIS) with the same or better efficacy.
The introduction of the new tolerant gene technology for 2,4-D and Dicamba herbicides has led to a realization of just how high the risk of off target crop injury can be with widespread use of phenoxy herbicides near phenoxy susceptible crops. In fact, off target dicamba injury was sited in a dispute in Missouri last year. The new phenoxy resistant genes are now being double stacked with glyphosate tolerant genes. Much of the new seed being produced contains both genes. Likely there will be a lot more 2,4-D and Dicamba sprayed this season and the risk of off target movement will increase.
In response to the new increased use of phenoxy herbicides, AgraSyst Inc, an agricultural adjuvant research and development company has invented and is currently introducing brand new technology that reduces the risk of both drift and volatility of these phenoxy herbicides. This is not the same old drift reduction technology. This is something completely different. The technology is being introduced in two products, Cado MAXTM, a drift and volatility reduction product and Full Load CompleteTM, an AMS+NIS replacement product that contains both Drift Reduction Technology and Volatility Reduction Technology.
Cado MAX TM is a new drift reduction adjuvant with superior performance in reducing driftable fines over the current commercially available drift reduction products. The name Cado MAX, is Latin for superior drops. But what makes Cado MAX so unique is that it also contains volatility reduction technology that rivals the technology now being introduced by the major chemical companies as part of the new phenoxy formulations being developed for the new double stack genes crops. However, Cado MAXTM works with the current 2,4-D amine salt formulations and with the DGA salt of dicamba. According to scientific, studies, Cado MAX will reduce Dicamba and 2,4-D volatility injury in the range of 60% to 70%. Cado MAX does this magic at a use rate of 1qt/100 gallons of spray solution. For maximum efficacy Cado MAXTM should be applied with an AMS replacement adjuvant such as Full LoadTM, Load UPTM , or Load OutTM.
Full Load CompleteTM
Efficacy improvement is the calling card of Full Load Complete. There is no better additive to improve the herbicidal performance of glyphosate and glyphosate tank mixes. However, what makes Full Load Complete totally new technology is that it contains prime driftable fines reduction and volatility reduction technology. It is the ultimate adjuvant for most post applied herbicides. It is designed to work with glyphosate, glufosinate and all of the phenoxy type herbicides. Full Load Completetm contains the best drift reduction technology available combined with our new volatility reduction technology. Full Load CompleteTM reduces off target injury from phenoxy volatility in the range of 30% to 40%. And the best part is all of this performance is formulated in one jug. The average use rate of Full Load CompleteTM will be around 2qts per 100 gallons of spray solution.
“Full Load Complete: Designed to be simple engineered to perform.”
Spray drift is a function of how the spray solution breaks up into droplets as it exits the spray nozzle. The spray droplet breakup is influenced by many factors including: nozzle size, pressure, wind shear, sprayer speed and contents of the spray solution. Most pesticides, especially post applied herbicides work much better if a surfactant is added which reduces the surface tension of the spray solution droplet. This reduced surface tension aids in the uptake of the herbicide. It also increases the percentage of driftable fines. Most drift reduction agents work by increasing the tensile strength of the water to counteract the effect of reduced surface tension caused by the surfactant. The goal for most glyphosate treatments is to get most of the spray droplets above 200 micron but not larger than 700 microns for ground rigs. Cado MAXTM and Full Load CompleteTM are great at concentrating droplet size into this parameter.
For a list of the post applied herbicides that work with Full Load Complete go to the