HomeNavigator 2024Hit your Target and Increase Efficacy with Drift-fiant™

Hit your Target and Increase Efficacy with Drift-fiant™

AgraSyst’s drift reduction technology—Drift-fiant™ spray adjuvant, specializes in
creating the optimum size droplet for herbicide, pesticide, and fungicide applications
resulting in: better coverage, better canopy penetration, reduced off target movement,
increased efficacy, and overall better performance.

Off-target movement means droplets missing the intended target resulting in poor
coverage and reduced efficacy. This happens in 2 different ways: droplets that are too
small ( < 200 microns) and droplets that are too big (> 400 microns).  Off-target
drift is the result of droplets that are too small that don’t to get to the intended target.
Conversely, oversized droplets lead to poor overall target coverage. Too big or too small
droplets–both result in a loss in costly product.

Drift-fiant™ works by increasing the size of droplets that are too small without
increasing the number of oversized droplets. Drift-fiant™ significantly concentrates the
size of droplets being sprayed into the optimum droplet size.

Drift-fiant™ has been shown to increase amount of spray volume being sprayed at the
optimum size by over 10%.  This equates to over 10 gallons out of 100 gallons more
product getting on target.  Drift-fiant™ reduces drift while delivering more active
ingredient where it needs to go resulting in better efficacy overall. Pictured below is the
result of adding Drift-fiant™ to a Canola desiccation application. Notice how much
better the treatment was when including Drift-fiant™.




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