Once again, the NAAA silent auction has begun, featuring some unique abilities from years past, including the ability to bid via text this year.
The NAAA annual silent auction is offering eBidding for this year's event, which opens Sunday, Dec. 6 at 12 p.m. ET and closes at 2:30 p.m. ET on Wednesday, Dec. 9. Two bidding options:
From the website or App, click Online Registration (name and email are the only mandatory fields). The system will send a confirmation to your email address that you are required to click on to participate in bidding. Click Catalog to view and bid on the auction items.
For ease of picking up items, you can also enter your credit card number in the software to immediately charge your credit card for the items that you win, otherwise, see options below to pay.
Onsite Bidders: If you win an item, please proceed to booth #147 for payment and pick up of your item before 4 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 9.
At Home Bidders: If you win at item, contact Deana Burke at (202) 546-5722 or
dburke@agaviation.org and your item will be sent to you, unless you make arrangements for a friend to pick up your item. At home bidders are responsible for the costs for NAAA to ship the winning item (not guaranteed for Christmas delivery; expected delivery early 2021).