Hands On Flying

A Few Seconds

One thing that is apparent throughout history is that technology travels fast. New things are developed while people are still accustomed to practicing old ways. In military history, for example, you can see how technology outstripped the day's tactics. The American Civil War, and World War 1, are stark examples....

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The Commanding Officer stood before the formation of Marines to address the recent rash of accidents that had been occurring at MCB Camp Pendleton, which unfortunately included men from our own unit. What he said has stuck with me throughout the years, “In combat, we expect losses. That is the...

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Getting Up to Speed

Spring hangs up her coat in the doorway of March. She’ll escort old man winter out, don her flowered bonnet, roll up her sleeves and set to work waking up the world while she’s cleaning up winter’s mess. Hangar doors will slide open. Some perhaps for the first time in...

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Looking in the rearview mirror, we can always see where we’ve been. Where we’ve been might have some relevance to where we’re going, but it never has the final say on how and when we get there. What’s behind us will always remain where it is, in the past. It’s...

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Dump It!

There’s no understating the importance of being able to safely and efficiently get rid of a load should the need arise. It’s something every ag pilot must train for on a regular basis. Knowing the proper time and technique to jettison a load is just as important as knowing when...

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Welcome to the Future

It’s now a new year. Congratulations, you’ve just traveled another 584 million miles at a speed of 67,000 miles an hour, with a swath width of 41.8 million feet. And you didn’t run out! The year 2020 ought to be an interesting one.   One hundred years ago, we were on...

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Patience. They say it’s a virtue, but it’s not one that many of us have in any sort of adequate quantity. We are a ‘Get there and get it done’ sort of crowd, especially when the books are getting filled and the growers are calling. Weeds are forming their own...

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Fertilizer challenges

It’s usually the thing we lead off with when the season starts; truckloads of fertilizer rolling into the airport and being staged at various remote air strips across the country.  The thing I like about dry work is it cycles quick. You’re flying a little higher, so the wires and...

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Smooth Turns

We spend a lot of time talking about turns. Fast turns, slow turns, wide, narrow, low and high. We discuss in depth what a safe turn is and scold anyone who mentions the term “hammerhead”.  As ag pilots, we spend an awful lot of time with one wing up and...

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