Press Releases

Simplex® Aerospace Announces New STC for R66 Agricultural Spray System

Simplex® Aerospace announced today it has received FAA STC SR02629SE for their latest agricultural spray system for the Robinson R66 helicopter. The spray system, Simplex® Aerospace Model 266, is a next generation spray system integrating several of Simplex® Aerospace's newly developed agricultural spray technologies including new composite techniques and carbon-fiber...

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GarrCo Products Announces New and Improved Crop Biostimulant Technology

Stimulate™ by GarrCo Products now includes a new inoculate strain for. This allows seed treatment without adding inoculant. Stimulate™ is a highly successful crop growth stimulant that contains dozens of specially selected beneficial microorganisms that have proven in field trials to improve crop health and increase yield. Stimulate™microorganisms convert unavailable soil nutrients to...

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