United States

All in the family

The San Joaquin Valley is situated about a two-hour drive south from the diverse and progressive Silicon Valley and historic San Francisco. Although only a short distance apart, the geography and culture change significantly. The hubs of Google, Apple, Microsoft quickly give way to vast farmlands filled with an excess...

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A Thrush is “reborn”

AgAir Update completes an evaluation flight of the Ultra Thrush It was in 2010 that Thrush Aircraft introduced a new engine mount design for the 510 series Thrush, specifically the then newly certified H80 GE turboprop engine. The extension was approximately 18 inches forward of the hopper, creating a mini-storage...

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Beta valve plunger maintenance

It has been reported that the Woodward 8210 Series Beta valve plunger assembly for a turbine engine propellor governor can accumulate dirt and grit, causing sticking of the plunger. This can cause a condition of remaining in the Beta range when increased power is applied. Woodward Governors has approved field...

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