The NAAA has gotten really good at hosting an international convention, and this year in Savannah was no exception. Starting Sunday, December 5 through Thursday, December 9, the 100th anniversary-themed Ag Aviation Expo was held at the Savannah convention center.
To both Georgia and Savannah’s credit, there basically were no covid restrictions. The NAAA convention attendees and exhibitors were free to carry on like pre-covid times. That fact added to the pleasure of attending this year’s expo.
I want to welcome the new NAAA officers 2022. These men have an imposing job ahead of them. Fortunately, they were given their duties in good working order. For that, an enthusiastic round of applause goes to the departing officers. Of course, the sustaining NAAA staff has always done a superb job supporting new officers. As we advance into 2022, I feel confident that the NAAA will prosper just as it did in 2021.
It should go without saying, but this year’s convention and an entire year, as a matter of fact, was and is a celebration of our industry’s 100 years of being in existence. However, 100 years is a relatively short period of time when considering accomplishments made during that time. Imagine an open cockpit, converted bi-plane Jenny progressing to an 800-gallon, turbine-powered, purpose-built, ag aircraft is quite a feat. Who would have thought such progress could be made without the government's help, at least not specifically.
The aircraft transition is only one part of our story. The advancement of spray technology is remarkable, going from thrown overboard pesticide dust to electronic spray nozzles to a host of other nozzle designs. Lest we not overlook, the best application equipment is no better than the accuracy of the application, namely GPS-guided flow rates and swath widths.
I could write pages about the latest and greatest technology of ag aviation. I’ve only touched on a couple in this text. There are many, and all are important to the continued advancement of ag-aviation. This industry has always embraced new tech, keeping the good and discarding the not-so-good. We are a unique, needed industry, which contributes so much to our survival.
I look forward to visiting with you at some of the upcoming state shows. Unless something changes, I believe it will be a very productive convention season, both for attendees and exhibitors. I know Graham and I will attend many of them, so be sure to stop by and visit us at the AgAir Update booth.
Until next month, Keep Turning