
Avoid temperature inversions

What is a temperature inversion, and how does it affect drift? There are many misconceptions and erroneous opinions. Without an inversion, or under normal conditions, the temperature is highest near the ground and decreases as the elevation or altitude increases. With a temperature inversion, a warm layer of air is...

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Wipare visit to Spain

Simulator in Europe Dale Fehrenbach and Jeff Hauck from Wipaire, the manufacturer of Fire Boss amphibious floats for Air Tractor’s AT-802, visited Air Tractor Europe’s facilities in Valencia, Spain in October of this year to finalize the order for a number of new Fire Boss float kits for Air Tractor...

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AVIALSA subcontracts ZTC for maintenance of Macedonian AT-802 fire-fighting aircraft

By Igor Bozinovski, edited for space by AgAir Update. SEPTEMBER 13, 2016 Avialsa, the European Air Tractor Dealer located in Valencia, Spain has entered into an agreement with the Croatian state-owned aircraft maintenance facility Zrakoplovno-Tehni?ki Centar - ZTC (Aeronautical Technical Center), to provide scheduled maintenance for the Macedonian Protection and...

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