United States

Arkansas bans the use of dicamba

The Executive Subcommittee of the Arkansas Legislative Council (ALC), chaired by Senator Bill Sample (Hot Springs) and Representative David Branscum (Marshall), met July 5th to consider a request by the Arkansas State Plant Board to review and approve emergency rules regarding a ban on the sale and use of dicamba...

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A Thrush is “reborn”

AgAir Update completes an evaluation flight of the Ultra Thrush It was in 2010 that Thrush Aircraft introduced a new engine mount design for the 510 series Thrush, specifically the then newly certified H80 GE turboprop engine. The extension was approximately 18 inches forward of the hopper, creating a mini-storage...

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Operating with 50% boom length

By Ike Brunetti / President MsAAA Bolivar County Mississippi operators, including myself, seem to be adjusting with optimism and adapting to the 50% boom length restriction for glyphosate applications imposed by the Mississippi Bureau of Plant Industry (BPI). I continue to receive phone calls from operators outside Bolivar County curious...

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Apocalypse on the plains

The Great Plains of the central United States have seen fire play a role in its history for thousands of years. The vast grasslands emerge from winter with the blanket of fuel cured of moisture by the months of freezing and thawing. Before the country was settled, the only sources...

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