United States

Q&A with FAA

Q1. When I was a child I was prescribed medications for ADHD (Ritalin or Adderall) but I haven’t had a prescription for years. Can I still get a medical certificate? A1. Yes, it is still possible to get a medical certificate. Your AME will have to defer your exam, and...

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The Dose Makes the Poison

The Dose Makes the Poison By John Garr and Jerry Green, GarrCo Products A Swiss doctor named Paracelsus said, “All substances are poisons; there is none which is not a poison. The right dose differentiates a poison from a remedy.” His statement is usually shortened to the dose makes the...

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Interpersonal relationship

Interpersonal Relationships One would assume the job of an agricultural pilot comes with absolute solitude. If you think about it, the plane comes equipped with a single seat (usually). The truth is that flying such aircraft is largely a group effort consisting of contributions from mechanics, entomologists and ground crew...

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Tri-County Ag on display in Colorado

Editor’s Note: Often times, spectacular images appear in the many news feeds that AgAir Update monitors about agricultural aviation. Such was the case for these images captured by Laura Haywood of Mountain Girl Photography. Laura visually tells the story of Tri-County Ag, located in Wray, Colorado. Greg Allen, one of...

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