United States

Allianz warns of drone risks

More drones in the skies raise a number of new safety concerns, ranging from collisions and crashes to cyber-attacks and terrorism, according to a risk report from Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty (AGCS). “There have already been enough incidents and near-misses to date involving UAS to generate concern that the...

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PAASS program set to begin 19th year of presentations

NAAA and NAAREF’s premiere agricultural aviation program kicks off its 19th season of PAASS educational programs starting this month and continuing into 2017 at state and regional conventions around the country. NAAREF and its PAASS Program Development Committee strive to bring relevant and current topics important to agricultural aviation to...

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Ag aviation in Maine

Located in the New England region of the United States, Maine is the easternmost state and the northernmost east of the Great Lakes. It is known for its jagged, rocky coastline, low, rolling mountains, heavily forested interior and scenic waterways; and also its seafood cuisine, especially clams and lobster. As...

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Trouble with Stubble

Trouble with crop residues and stubble is getting worse. Residue management is one of the biggest problems facing no-till farmers today. Crops have more biomass because of better breeding, higher carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere, plus the increasing use of late season foliar fungicides and insect resistance traits has...

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