United States

USDA Seeks Nominations for Innovative Agricultural Aviation Solutions in Wisconsin

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) is requesting nominations for individuals and organizations in Wisconsin who can offer innovative solutions to agricultural aviation challenges. The USDA is seeking experts and innovators who can improve the sustainability and efficiency of agricultural practices in the state. Agricultural aviation plays a critical...

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FAA Registration Changes

via FAA.gov   Section 556 of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Reauthorization Act required the FAA to initiate rulemaking to extend the duration of Aircraft Registration Certificates for all noncommercial general aviation aircraft from three years to seven years. The FAA cannot distinguish between commercial and noncommercial general aviation aircraft...

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Vendor Busy Time!

What a busy time it is to be a vendor! The winter months are our busiest time of the year. It's always great to see everyone again and meet new people. I've been focusing a lot on educating our customers and teaching many classes at the conventions as well as our...

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The Gas Generator

If you have been through any PT6A class, you have heard the engine defined as a free turbine, meaning there is no connecting shaft between the compressor and the prop. You have undoubtedly heard that the PT6A is built on a modular concept. The two modules of the engine are...

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How High Are You Flying Part One

Notes:  This first of a two-article series will focus on density altitude and aircraft performance. The second will focus on other factors such as rate of climb, angle of climb, and takeoff performance. _________________________________________________________________________________________ I like spontaneity, particularly when it’s well-planned. Safe flying often involves knowing what is coming our...

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