Mythbusting: No, Livestock Doesn’t Destroy the Planet
Ever wonder why no one ever questions the carbon footprint of our coffee habits? Pets? Horses? That’s because there’s a lot of money to be made for meat alternative companies ...
Ever wonder why no one ever questions the carbon footprint of our coffee habits? Pets? Horses? That’s because there’s a lot of money to be made for meat alternative companies ...
Click on any major urban area media outlet, and there are a lot of myths out there when it comes to soil health. People may think modern "big ag" farms ...
We have all seen dozens of labels on agricultural products in the grocery store. "Pasture Fed," "Grass Fed," "Organically Sourced," and lastly, "Antibiotic Free." With so many labels, consumers wonder ...
The aerial application can sometimes receive a lot of hate in the media from environmental activists who don’t understand the precision and skill required to spray crops from the air. ...
There are a lot of myths out there when it comes to pesticides. The aerial applicators' job is critically important to the global food supply, but does the industry ...
How do I know my meat and milk are safe? Why do farmers use antibiotics? Is animal ag concerned about antibiotic resistance? There are many questions and misconceptions about antibiotic use in ...
It’s something you’ve likely heard before and something I often preach; as a keynote speaker, writer, online influencer and more for agriculture. Back in December, I spoke at the Nation ...
Take a stroll down any grocery store aisle, and you’ll notice a ton of labels. If you’re unsure what to purchase, these labels can make your head spin! Are they ...
Perspective on drones: Are they “taking our jobs?” Here’s a simple answer. There has been a lot of buzz in recent years about rising technology in terms of drones and ...
Opponents of the agriculture industry, particularly those against livestock, always use the term “factory farm” to scare consumers. What exactly would a ‘factory’ type of farm even look like? Some ...
It is with very sad hearts that we report the passing of Ben Holcomb earlier this week. Ben was living...
Read moreSecures New FAA Authorization for Commercial Operation of Largest Ever UAS and Takes Order for 20 Aircraft in Brazil ALAMEDA, Calif., Feb....
Read moreWest Covina, CA - Concorde Battery Corporation is pleased to celebrate Mr. Chris Holder who is being honored as a...
Read moreCAAA members now receive a complimentary subscription to AgAir Update as part of their CAAA membership. AgAir Update, agricultural aviation’s...
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